Quote Up Your Wedding

Wedding only comes once (or twice, or more in some cases) in a lifetime. But in any cases, there is only one significant other waiting for you at the end of the aisle. That's when you find out that you want to spend eternity with your partner. It's like a "Happily Every After" story, only this one isn't a fairy tale anymore. Celebrate your wedding day with an enthusiasm, and bring the wedding party in the most romantic and memorable way. As a nice touch to your wedding party, why not add some romantic quotes to every table to give them a more romantic feel? See some of these wise saying and quotes to brim up your excitement to your wedding:

Fall in Love. Everyday.

"A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person."

Isn't that wonderful? For sure, every couple who would be sitting along the table of your wedding party would be reminded that they too, should fall in love everyday. The married ones would find new inspirations and the engaged couples looking forward to their wedding party. It would be such a pity to the singles, however, because they have to bear their loneliness till they find their match.

Give a Share of the Beauty Stage with Your Bridesmaids.

"A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Here's to these beautiful bridesmaids."

These ladies attended to you all throughout your wedding ceremony, and you know that a wedding would be incomplete without them. So why not hand them a couple of quotes or two at your wedding party? These ladies will enjoy their worth that night as much as you would!!

Add Some Funny Quotes Too!

"Here's to the groom, a man who keeps his head though he loses his heart."

Now get the guests laughing, or earn a smile or a snigger by giving some mischievous yet well meant quotes. Of course, they would have another meaning, depending to each reader probably, but who cares anyway. It's your best day. Get a bit jolly of an atmosphere and add some spice and naughtiness to your wedding party with these quotes.

"Happy marriages begin when we marry the one we love, and they blossom when we love the one we married."

And lastly, get some wise sayings and quotes that are meaningful to you. May these words add up to that romantic wedding party that will surely come once in your lives. It's a time you must cherish and an occasion that must not be forgotten. Have the best of your wedding party experience and share the love with everyone around in your festivity!

